The white house released the salaries of employees of the administration trump

The white house released a list with the salaries of staff of the presidential administration of the USA of Donald trump. The list contains 377 names. The highest salary – 187,1 thousand dollars a year (15.6 thousand dollars per month or 405 thousand UAH terms). Such remuneration for his work, is a senior adviser to trump mark’s house.
The lowest salary given to the head of the National economic Council at the White house Gary Con – 30 thousand dollars a year. About it reports “Rain”.
However, relatives of trump do not receive salaries from the budget. We are talking about the President’s daughter and adviser Ivanka trump, son-in-law and the senior assistant Jared Kushner. Also in zero dollars cost to American taxpayers assistant to the President on issues of interdepartmental initiatives and initiatives in the field of technology Rod Cordis.
Press Secretary of the President Sean Spicer gets 179,7 thousand dollars, and his colleague Sarah Sanders – 165 thousand dollars.
The average salary of employees of administration of the tramp is 89 thousand dollars a year (7.4 thousand dollars a month). The average salary of employees of the White house under the previous President of the United States Barack Obama was 73 thousand dollars a year (6 thousand dollars a month).
Videosat trump is under the close scrutiny of the FBI during the investigation of the relations of the President of the Russian Federation
TSN. Wounds
May 26, 10:13