In Kiev in the stairwell found a man shot in the head

In Kiev in the Dnieper area in the entrance of the house unknown shot and killed a man.
It is reported by the capital Department of communication of the police.
“At lunch time, it was reported that people found in the stairwell of a dead man. When militiamen arrived to a call, found the man of gunshot wounds of the head”, – stated in the message.
According to police, the deceased man born in 1956 is a local resident.
Now militiamen try to identify and apprehend the murderer, the criminal proceedings are opened, the sanction of article provides till 15 years of imprisonment.
The police searches for the malefactor who in the entryway Kiev apartment buildings shot and killed a man the Incident happened in Dneprovskom…
Published, the Police of Kiev July 3, 2017
We will remind, earlier in Irpen guy beat the woman with a pipe and threatened to hammer a 2 year old child. The man wanted to beat the child and demanded that his mother gave mobile phone.