The explosion of an unknown object in Kiev minibus sent the pensioner to the intensive care unit

The usual trip from home grandchildren ended for the 60-year-old woman calling emergency and intensive care. The passenger of the village just behind the driver and was the victim of the explosion, according to a story TSN.19:30.
“As he opened his eyes all white in the cabin. And a woman takes my hand and asks me to stand up. And I brought,” recalls Valentina Sitnik, which has already undergone several surgeries and is waiting for the next. The woman suffered deep lacerations and burns, now retired has to pay for plastic surgery. “There were burns – it’s hard to say, thermal or chemical nature. But the main problem is the defect of the soft tissues. She will be on treatment more than one week,” said the doctor.
Видео60-year-old woman underwent several operations after the explosion in the bus
TSN. 19:30
Today, 20:07
That day Valentina children, as always, spent on the bus to Kiev. She sat in front – just behind the driver. Subsequently, under the driver’s seat, something exploded, a metal bulkhead turned on the foot of Valentina. Police said the explosion of a fire extinguisher, but the victim’s husband does not believe in this explanation. “I think there exploded household gas cylinder that drivers carry very often. They’re currently in the evening or night, some food cooked. Second-degree burns from a fire extinguisher will never be”, – says Nikolay Sytnik.
In the state service for emergency situations say that with improper storage of a fire extinguisher he could explode in theory. “If there were such cases, I would say. But such was not the case,” – said the representative of the SSES.