The number of poisoned sushi in Kiev has risen to four dozen

The number of cases of acute intestinal infection after consuming sushi in two establishments of Kyiv as of Monday, July 3, is 38 cases.
About it reports a press-service GU of Gospodarevskaya of Ukraine in Kiev.
See also:
Poisoning sushi in Kiev: the victims liked the taste, and now they are preparing lawsuits
The staff of catering establishments and in 7 patients found Salmonella. Also “the data on the allocation of objects in the environment of bacteria of group of intestinal sticks, “which indicates the violation of sanitary-hygienic requirements on the entity OOO “Sushi land”.
Videomassage poisoning: TSN.Week found a doctor whose signature is on bought medical certificates
TSN. Week
Yesterday, 20:33
On another subject, OOO “Sushi life”, where 1 was the case also revealed violations of sanitary legislation”, — noted in state Gospodarevskaya.
The service issued an order to suspend the work of the subject.