Court at the exit Nasirov abroad for treatment was transferred to a closed regime

Today, July 6, Solomenskiy district court of Kiev considers the submission on the measure of suspended Chapter Gospitalniy service of Ukraine Novel Nasirova.
As the correspondent of TSN, the defense official insists on the necessity of the defendant to go abroad to Germany for treatment. And in connection with this requirement on the need to change the measure of restraint.
The protection procured from the court that the meeting was held behind closed doors because the case materials contain a medical secret health Nasirov. Prosecutors protested, saying that everything about the health of the head of the SFS has long been known, and the details were published in the press.
In the end, the court decided to adjourn the meeting in part, when the defense will announce data on the health status Nasirov, and then the meeting moved to a fully closed mode to the Chairman of the SFS can operate a secret part of the health information during discussions with the prosecution.
Hearing on the case continues. As you know, at the end of June of the previous Novel Nasirova extended the measure of restraint – he is obliged to wear an electronic bracelet and to stay in Ukraine until 2 September. In late may, the Chairman of DFS stated that he needs to be treated in the United States.
As you know, Nasirov is suspected of abuse of office and embezzlement of public funds in the amount of over UAH 2 bn. The consequence considers that Nasirov, acting in the interests of the Deputy Onishchenko, the “gas business” were arbitrarily granted a number of enterprises the possibility of tax liabilities in installments.
Corresopndent TSN Alexander Romanyuk
Videorama Nasirov can appear before British court
TSN. 19:30
16 Jun, 20:38