Yanukovych from Russia saw the oppression and withdrew counsel from his trial

Deprived of the title of President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych decided to abandon participation in passing in Kiev the trial in the prosecution of his treason and revoke his lawyers.
About this soobshaet TASS.
“I don’t want to participate in a supposedly adversarial system, the outcome is pre-determined. I made the decision to withdraw from the process of its defenders. The qualification no doubt, but in a country destroyed by justice lawyers are powerless”, – said Yanukovych.
6 July to be held a regular meeting in the Obolon court of Kyiv.
The former President noted that already passed the three stages of the process in which he did not participate, he believes that his rights have been violated.
Yanukovych also announced about the falsification of the investigation. “And how they want to judge me, not having received any testimony nor from me, neither of my witnesses? This clearly confirms the fact of political persecution”, – said Yanukovych.
Videopokeria asking for Yanukovych to prison for life
TSN. 19:30
29 Jun, 20:26
According to him, the attorney General, in fact, already called the date of trial, August 24, 2017 – and that a decision will be made about his life in prison.