In the U.S. propose new sanctions against Russia for breach of INF Treaty

The Chairman of the Committee on foreign Affairs, house of representatives, U.S. Congress ed Royce offers new sanctions against Russia for breach of Contract on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range.
This is stated in a published statement, ed Royce.
See also:
The Russian government for a year and a half has extended sanctions against Ukraine, USA and EU
“For many years, Vladimir Putin (Russian President – Ed.) openly ignores obligations under the INF. The recent deployment of prohibited missiles with nuclear warheads pose a serious threat to the national security interests of the United States ” – said the legislator.
In his opinion, “this is another example of Russian aggression, which undermines global stability”.
Videoporoshenko in the White house discussed with the trump of sanctions against Russia
TSN. 12:00
21 Jun, 12:31
In turn, the Interfax with reference to the American edition of “The Hill” reports that the Congressman “suggests to enter sanctions against individuals who help Russia to develop major weapons systems, and against States sponsors of terrorism who buy such weapons”.
“Royce introduced the amendment to the annual bill on defence policy, which is expected to be submitted to the chamber next week”, – stated in the message.
Earlier, six senators representing the Republican and Democratic parties (Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Marco Rubio, Ben Cardin, Sherrod brown and Claire McCaskill) introduced the upper chamber of Congress a bill that increases the control over the actions of the American President on easing sanctions against Russia. Under the bill, the US President must notify Congress before to ease the economic sanctions against Russia associated with its aggression against Ukraine.