Experts doubt that the house in Kiev exploded from domestic gas

Unknown today is the cause of the explosion in a house on Shevchenko Avenue in Kiev. Rescuers believe that the epicenter was in the apartment of the deceased Konstantin Kudin, however, this is not the final version, says the story TSN.16:45.
In old building, hot water was supplied centrally and heated gas pumps. But to call natural gas the cause of the tragedy, the experts do not hurry.
“Kyivgas does not confirm that gas control point they had pressure spikes and there were some outbursts of gas,” – said the head of the Department of emergency situations of the Kyiv city state administration Roman Tkachuk.
Videoblast promise to provide apartments to the victims of the explosion in the capital tragetasche
TSN. 16:45
Today, 17:31
Not set also, involved to the explosion of the developer, which was erected next to a skyscraper. The Commission said it had no motive to cause devastating harm. So why exploded tripataka in the Central district of Kiev – remains an open question.
Next week the Metropolitan government promises to deal with compensation to victims to decide what and when they will get them.
Today I said goodbye to the deceased during the explosion Oksana Gurova – goodbye came relatives, and colleagues at the garden, where she was a teacher. Close to hope about her two sons, who were left virtually orphaned, someone will take care of. They have a grandma but she is older.