Tragedy under Zelenopole in Ukraine honored the victims of the insidious artillery strike of the Russian Federation

In Ukraine remember victims under Zelenopole Lugansk region. Three years ago the Russian artillery massed for the first time fired at the Ukrainian military “Grad” covered soldiers of the 24th and 79th brigades, said in the story TSN.16:45.
According to official figures, killed 19 military and 4 guards, nearly a hundred wounded. However, eyewitnesses claim that killed nearly 200 fighters. Witnesses of those terrible events, remember that after three days the promotion was ordered to – be for the night in the field. When in the morning they were covered with enemy fire, the majority of soldiers were still asleep.
Video settings Ukraine remembers those who perished under Zelenopole in Luhansk
TSN. 16:45
Today, 17:40
“It takes 15 fifth, we covered “Grad”. Camp one hundred to one hundred, roughly speaking. And I arrived there 80 rockets, they laid down very closely next to each other. Someone beat not hidden – that’s all. I’m just under APC was lying, asleep – me is saved”, – said the participant of anti-terrorist operation Vladimir Grishchenko. “I came, brought “two hundredth”. As on the range, there was a technique in line, one car lights – burn all. And so it happened. The people in the tents slept the night before. Arrives “Grad” who was lying to the left,” – said the soldier of the 24th brigade Andrey Slesarenko.
A memorial service for the victims held in Nikolaev in the territory of the airborne units, and in Lviv has honored the fallen with a prayer in the garrison Church of Peter and Paul. “The mother came into the room – I immediately knew something was wrong. Only after the DNA test was able to bury her husband. More than a month” – said the wife of the deceased Veronica Alexandra Ladyzhenskaya Ladyzhenskaya.