The Prosecutor General’s office explained why carry out searches in the units of “Ukrenergo” in Ukraine

In the Central office of the Ministry of energy in Kiev and enterprises of the state company in the regions are searched. On the morning of 12 July, the entrance to the capital building “Ukrenergo” blocked by armed militiamen, workers were not allowed in the room. About the search at his home said the head of company Vsevolod Kovalchuk.
This is stated in the story of Valentina Mudryk in the program TSN.12:00.
Currently near the building “Ukrenergo” silence, the walls are only journalists. Up to five hundred employees of “Ukrenergo” has already started on their jobs.
At the same time inside is dozens of investigators of the Prosecutor General and the police – they only carry out searches in the offices of leadership. Came here over four hours ago and at first would not let people into jobs. In the largest energy company said that the investigators showed protection against the decision of Pechersky court of Kiev of June 22, on the basis of which carry out searches in the pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings due to the possible procurement of “Ukrenergo” for various goods and services at inflated prices in collusion with the officials.
Troch prokurorskogo surrealismo you have stroke. Vzhe visible motive siogodni #masciovecchio Vchora mi wrote about the mi…
Posted NEK”, Ukrenergo” – NPC Ukrenergo R. 2017 on July 12
Appears in the criminal proceedings with dozens of senior management of the company. Conducted searches and house at the head of the NPC Ukrenergo Vsevolod Kovalchuk. In his office there. But he posted a video message on the social network and stated that this is nothing but a pressure on him that has lasted almost two years.
“We felt it should be. After our last reports that we have become one of the most effective companies in the fight against corruption, we were able to save 6-7 billion. I think it might be related to the signing of agreements with the EU”, – said Kovalchuk.
The house searches at the head of the company is completed. He returns to work.
Not mozhna skazati, scho TSE Bulo duzhe neededbecause… On the third day after my priznachennya your Director of Ukrenergo in Conan, but in the home, MoH rodicu vabolis obsugi. TSE soprovojdalas macavoy informaciniu company through the city, that VDOM rosena comprometida I neperian materials for Groshi. Next the Prosecutor General’s office, navti not Prowse, depite people turned VSI vilokan document, by the way, Groshi toscho. TSE CCB presing, tipovi for the style of work of Ukrainian pervoocherednih organs. Push stroke ostanni 20 months spostarla CTCA trend – Yak tilki mi Lama chergova scheme znizujuci prices in the tenders (on csalt “transformatoru Grigorishin”), ABO had pocha structure SMN on iacomus s napramku, zrazy pecialise hvilya such pseudocoelomates very, Yak I have Govt 2015. Right after CIR publcity mene vihodili ACS people I was raskazivali, Yak bude terribly soon, Yak mene posadyat I TD I TP. TSE Wabusaana coin inside of 4-6 months. From I at a time. Tilki-but mi zrobili those chogo Checa the whole country – pocha way Ob’єdnannya of energosistemi Ukraine s Evropou scho pobavit to us from whichever Elektroenergetyczne from the Russian, only I vdtuv scho mi zbilje s tenderich CN vzhe hope 6.7 billion UAH. (I TSE prices, satardien from 2013-2015 rocky!!!!), Yak pacalosia less hvil Nova discredits osobisto the work nitrosourea s reigning pdprimstvo. TSE certainly not go through, I have upevneny pravilnost mo strateg for Ukrenergo, I vry scho chasi corupt in tsiy compan not rotate the I scho mi predname Nashi merezhi to evropeiskih. I I Dovray may>>>. Dali bude.
Posted by Vsevolod Kovalchuk on July 11 2017 R.
The building “Ukrenergo” law enforcement hasn’t come out yet. Say that the sensitive object is operating normally.
Meanwhile, the Prosecutor General’s office unveiled its version of the searches in “Ukrenergo”.
“The state office of public Prosecutor makes pre-judicial investigation in criminal proceedings upon the organization of the criminal scheme of theft of public funds, abuse of power or position, forgery of tender documents by officials of SE “NPC “Ukrenergo” in especially large sizes in complicity with officials of the National Commission for regulation of energy and utilities, as well as a number of business entities by procurement of goods, works and services in controlled entities at much higher prices, on the grounds of crime under part 5 of article 191, part 2 St. 364, part 2 of article 366, part 3 of article 212 of the criminal code of Ukraine”, – said the GPU.
The Prosecutor’s office said that searches are continuing in many units “Ukrenergo” in Ukraine “with the aim of identifying and fixing information on circumstances of Commission of a criminal offense”.