In the Poltava region to build a speed trap for vehicles

In the town of Lokhvytsia, Poltava oblast will be the first system of so-called “calm traffic”.
The system of Traffic calming measures works in Australia, USA and is being promoted in Europe. This system is the so-called speed traps that do not allow drivers to drive on the road faster than 60 kilometers per hour. For example, a special bend in the road, creating a constriction; curved pedestrian crossings and pedestrian refuges. In short, certain obstacles, which the driver will reduce speed.
Road service in Poltava region
Such transportation will appear at the entrance to Lohvica
“It is clear that repaired roads, increased traffic speeds, and consequently to frequent traffic accidents. In Lokhvytsia the repair of the road already at the finish line. Therefore, to reduce the accident rate in the future, and apply Traffic calming measures”, – said the head of Service of highways of Vladimir Troyanovskiy.
This system of “calming traffic” aimed at reducing the number of accidents. Moreover, the speed trap will not damage the technical condition of the car, as, for example, are now doing the “speed bumps”.
Note that this speed trap is at the entrance to Rivne, where a sign with the name of the town stands on the “island” that drivers are forced to go around.
Video settings lokhvytsya will be a modern system of speed limits
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Today, 09:34