It was frozen: the Committee to protect journalists reported on the murder investigation Sheremet

The Committee to protect journalists (CPJ – Ed.) said that the investigation into the murder of journalist Pavel Sheremet in Ukraine frozen. CPJ report “the Refusal of justice: investigation into the murder of Pavel Sheremet in Ukraine does not produce results,” his representatives presented at the Ukrainian crisis media center.
In particular, the report author journalist Christopher Miller noted that began its work in January, when it’s been more than six months from the time when Sharamet killed, reports “Ukrainian truth”.
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“It was frozen. The motives were not confirmed, a large amount of time and effort spent on the search for traces of the crime – and it didn’t yield any threads. But the signs of murder, very little attention is paid”, – he said.
According to Miller, the killer, which is seen on the surveillance cameras has not been determined. “Killer, which is seen on the surveillance cameras when they planted the bomb, was not determined – not to mention the arrest. Only due to effort of journalists, we saw them on video,” commented the journalist.
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Miller also recalled that the security Service of Ukraine has removed the video from some surveillance and investigative bodies interfere with each other. “Potential witnesses and colleagues Sheremet say that they did not call for a thorough interrogation. The family of Paul, friends and journalists with whom I spoke, accused the government of failing to work, negligence and sabotage… What we now have is an incomplete investigation, which yielded very few results, ” added Miller.
In turn, the program coordinator of CPJ in Europe and Asia Nina Ognianova stated that the report contains two main recommendations to the Ukrainian authorities and the international community.
“CPJ calls on officials to revive the investigation, to focus on the work of mass media in Ukraine as a possible motive for the crime and support any parallel independent investigation, and the media constantly report on the results,” she said.
In addition, the Committee addressed the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. “We also urge President Poroshenko to condemn threats and attacks on journalists in Ukraine and to assure that they will thoroughly investigate… We also call on him to publicly confirm the critical role of independent media in Ukraine”, – said Ognianova.
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Ognianova added: “We also call on the Russian and Belarusian government to cooperate fully in the investigation of the murder of Sheremet and to facilitate the access of investigators to treat any signs of things that could lead to results”.
CPJ also expect active participation from the European Union and the Council of Europe and insists that the European delegates participated in meetings of the summit EU – Ukraine in Kiev this week.
Vdova from pravosudja: Rossman of vbivstva Pavel Sheremet in Ukraine gave resultats from tsnua
We will remind, Pavel of Sheremet was killed in the center of Kiev 20 Jul 2016. The journalist was buried in Minsk. According to investigators, the attackers attached explosives to the underside of the car, at the wheel which was Sheremet. While the crime remains unsolved. In this regard, Human Rights Watch stated concern about the lack of results in the investigation of the murder of journalist and restriction of media freedom in Ukraine.
In February, law enforcement authorities reported about the investigation of the murder Sheremet. In particular, it was reported that the murder of a prominent Belarusian journalist , the attackers used anti-personnel mine mon-50. The investigation identified the priority version of the crime. In addition, the police noticed that during the investigation, was questioned 1,800 people, including more than 300 direct witnesses of the explosion, residents of homes in the area of the explosion.