MP Rosenblatt questioned NABOO

People’s Deputy Borislav Rosenblatt, who the day before had deprived of immunity, was summoned to the NAB, says TSN.16:45.
The politician was not in the mood. After a conversation in the anti-corruption Bureau said: he was summoned as a witness. In any case, did not specify. Said the suspect in amber’s case were not given to him.
Videobrief Rosenblat came to the interrogation of NABOO
TSN. 16:45
Yesterday, 17:22
Recall that Rosenblatt is charged with extortion for production and purchase of amber. NABU recorded as Rosenblatt requires money from the anti-corruption Bureau agent who worked undercover. Then this video is the attorney General Lutsenko has submitted to the deputies, who deprived his colleague of immunity.
All about MPs, which asked the Prosecutor’s office, see the article: MPs and their mandates