Ukrainian businessmen predicted the dollar for the next year

Over the next year, the exchange rate of the dollar in Ukraine will be in the range of 26-29 hryvnia.
Such predictions from 57.8% of respondents to the national Bank of Ukrainian businessmen.
The average value of the rate is expected to reach 28,68 USD per dollar. During the previous survey this figure was higher and made up of 29.44 USD per dollar.
24,6% of respondents hope to strengthen the hryvnia during the year. During a previous survey of unemployed was almost two times less – 13.5 percent.
When the national Bank conducted the survey in the second quarter of 2017, weighted average rate on the interbank market were of 26.33 USD per dollar, and daily fluctuations were within 1.3%.
Poll conducted from may 11 to June 9, 2017. It was attended by 667 companies from 22 regions of the country, which represent the economy by main types of activities, forms of ownership, size by number of employees.
Recall that in the budget for 2017 laid down the dollar to 27.2 UAH.
Throughout its history, the hryvnia has set a record of more than two years ago – February 26, 2015 in NBU official exchange United States dollar amounted to 30.01 UAH, and the Euro – 34,04 UAH.
Government exchange forecast is that the hryvnia exchange rate (average for year) in 2018 will amount to 29.3 UAH per dollar, in 2019 – 30.5 UAH per dollar in 2020 – 31 UAH per dollar.
The US dollar exchange rate of the NBU
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