Worked for Russian intelligence: SBU suspects the employee of Yavoriv polygon in the treason

The security service of Ukraine suspects the employee of Yavoriv polygon in working for the Main intelligence Directorate of the General staff.
This is evidenced by the decision of Shevchenkovsky regional court of Kiev from June 21, according to the Left coast.
See also:
Searches in Melitopol was held at 15 locations and are associated with a case of high treason
At the request of the investigator has been arrested on a laptop, mobile phone, three DVD-ROM, USB flash drive and a piece of paper with the text “quarto”, printed on the reverse side, the phrase “by order of the commander of the military unit А4150 from 30.12.2015 year №755 “. These things belonged to the suspect.
According to the document, the suspect in 2015-2016 for the post of chief of the General ground of the International center for peacekeeping and security (MCMB), the military part А4150, doing the job of the GRU of the Russian Federation, carried out the collection and transmission of military information about the center’s activities.
“During the questioning the employees of SB of Ukraine about his confidential cooperation with the GRU GSH VS Russian Federation, he voluntarily gave SBU a piece of paper with the inscription, laptop, drives and passwords to the program and flash drive with which he liaised with representatives of GRU GSH VS Russian Federation”, – stated in the court decision.
The case is being investigated under part 1 of article 111 of the Criminal code (high treason)
Earlier counterintelligence of security service warned: the recruitment of citizens of Ukraine on the territory of Russia is turning into a mass phenomenon. In the case of communication of the fact of recruiting Ukrainian serviceman is exempted from criminal liability.
Videoversija of Ukrainian citizens on the territory of Russia is turning into a mass phenomenon
TSN. Week
May 21, 20:10