Searches in Ukraine gave grounds to arrest the foreign accounts Klimenko – the police

On Friday, the security forces in several areas simultaneously carried out searches and seize documents and computers, firms that associate with high-ranking officials of the era of Viktor Yanukovych. Law enforcement authorities report on the seizure of property related businesses with the ex-Minister of income and fees Alexander Klimenko, according to a story TSN.19:30.
In the capital searched one of the largest shopping and office centers in the city. A key structure is a group of companies “unison” through which, according to vyskakovaci Prosecutor Anatoly Matios, Klimenko legalized stolen billions of dollars. The company now has 100 luxury apartments and 5 houses, offices, land plots, and dozens of high-performance cars, a thousand cars and 4 floors of the shopping center “Gulliver”. In addition, part of these funds went to Finance of the Media holding “Vesti” and on the security company “SKIF”, which, according to security officials, all the while putting pressure on the investigators.
Video settings in Kiev and Odessa law enforcement authorities carry out the second phase of the special operation tax
TSN. 19:30
July 14, 19:52
Today’s events, the officials called the second phase of the tax RAID, which began at the end of may. Then throughout Ukraine conducted 400 searches and arrested 23 of the tax Yanukovych times. Searches also took place in the apartments Klimenko, law enforcement authorities report on the detainees, but do not name names until after the RAID. “We managed to prevent the departure of the main players on the territory of the Republic of Crimea. If I now announce – it is very easy to understand, who put the ski in broad daylight,” – said the military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios.
In “unison” I believe that the investigators ‘ actions are an attempt of raider capture of the enterprise. “We believe that there is actual seizure of our businesses and blocking of our labor groups. Today our company have actually been subjected to a raider attack by the state”, – reads the statement of the company.