The court refused to increase the bail for Guzhva 3 million

The Kiev Appeals court refused six times to increase the Deposit for the editor the Internet-editions “Strenia” of the Igor Guzhva.
This was announced on his page in Facebook his lawyer, Olena Lukash.
“Only that the court of Appeals of the city of Kiev, having considered the appeal complaint of Prosecutor’s office and the protection of the Igor Guzhva, ruled that the decision of the court of first instance to remain in force and Somali requirements prosecution on bail of 3 million 200 thousand to leave without satisfaction”, – she wrote.
In the opinion of counsel Guzhva, the criminal case against him is falling apart.
“Not much happened with the fake extortion…” – said Lukash.
Only that the court of Appeal of the city of Kiev, having considered the appeal complaint of Prosecutor’s office and the protection of the Igor Guzhva, decided …
Published by Olena Lukash July 14, 2017
We will remind, the editor-in-chief “Stranie” of the Igor Guzhva was detained June 22. According to law enforcement, he and his accomplice demanded from the MP-radical Dmitry Linko 20 thousand dollars for the unpublished dirt. Half of the amount allegedly found in the portfolio of Guzhva. He argues that it simply framed. The accomplice is under house arrest – because, says the Prosecutor’s office is cooperating with the investigation.
Guzhva was released from jail two weeks ago. For freedom had to pay 544 thousand UAH. Bail was collected and introduced his assistant Svetlana Kryukova. Answering the question of where the money, said to find a day 20 thousand dollars is not a problem.