At home in Matios. The military Prosecutor showed reporters his luxury estate

Where and how to live the head military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios, tell and show 16 July the program TSN.Week.
The military Prosecutor of the warring countries really did not want journalists to show their expensive possessions. And I wasn’t ready to talk about personal things. Said that living with virtually no money. The audience will see him as haven’t seen so far. And he will tell you who and how many stuffed his huge tattoo and was the money his wife a precipice in their relationship.
So who is this Lieutenant-General, he loves and what it fears the Deputy attorney General, want to talk about the vast revenues of his wife, the intention to close the Declaration of military prosecutors and dismiss the President. The answers to these questions – Sunday, July 16, at 19:30 in the program TSN.Week on TV channel “1+1”. The online broadcast can be viewed on the website Dnia.
Videots.Week investigated the “intimate zone” of the military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios
TSN. 19:30
July 15, 20:59