In Russia began to check Transparency International after a complaint Poklonskaya

The so-called Russian honorable Natalia Poklonskaya said that in her statement against the organization Transparency International Russia is checked.
This is reported by RIA Novosti.
In particular, Taylor sent a request to the Russian Prosecutor General Yury Chaika, FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov and head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin on the audit organization Transparency International Russia in the beginning of June.
“These materials was in the order of articles 144, 145 UPK the Russian Federation and conducted preliminary examination. Of the results yet. Test period – from 10 days to a month,” she said.
See also:
“Transparency will be to cut firewood.” Poklonskaya said the information about a hidden apartment in Donetsk
“Transparency is the organization that came up to my apartment, which allegedly is or was I already in Donetsk, I was surprised to learn. And everywhere spread the information that I left out of the apartment in the Declaration, therefore, committed a corruption offence. Actually just made a deliberately false data and wrote to the registration documents of the Ukrainian my ID and my date of birth. In other people’s documents. And everywhere disseminated through the Internet,” said Poklonski.
See also:
Polonskaya has published documents on the controversial rental in Donetsk
Recall organization in the fight against corruption Transparency International called on the illegitimacy of the state Duma of the Russian Federation to withdraw the mandate with the so-called Russian deputatka Natalia Polonskaya, if confirmed information about her nezadeklarovanoho apartment in occupied Donetsk.
The Russian branch of the fighters reported that the former “Prosecutor” of the Crimea is occupied by two service apartments, one Deputy in the Russian capital Moscow, and prosecutors in Simferopol, although it does not occupy this position.
The third apartment Poklonskaya 29.9 square meter of TI found in the Ukrainian state register of property rights. Was she Dubrovsky Natalya Vladimirovna (Dubrovskaya’s maiden name Polonskaya), who was born on the same day that Poklonski.
Videoarchive responded to the words about Poklonskaya bust of Nicholas II
TSN. 16:45
7 Mar, 17:23