Knyazev announced the identification of nearly 600 “black sheep” in the ranks of national police

In the last six months in the National police found nearly 600 employees who have violated the law.
“Not without black sheep in our ranks. And we find almost every day. So, within six months of this year, the Department of homeland security, the national police initiated criminal proceedings 597. Most of them (190) relate to the giving or receiving bribe to the police. Believe me, bribes became more. We just have more to tell about them. Therefore agree to perceive the entire picture – both sides of the coin. Then you’ll see, the ice is broken”, – said the head of national police Sergey Knyazev.
Also, an increasing number administerial on corrupt officials in power.
“If earlier the detention of the official-the bribe taker was the top news, but now it will not surprise anyone. In January last year the police sent to the court 70 administerial on violation of anti-corruption legislation. And in February of this year – 370. In June – 594,” – said Knyazev.
For six months during the performance of official duties killed 18 police officers, nearly 700 were injured.
“And that is why one of the main functions of society is to provide police officers and their families with social guarantees. As those who have just joined the service and those who dedicated to her his whole life. Since the 9th December 2016 is still not out of the serious condition of the 24-year-old Kharkiv patrol Vasily Markovich. He was beaten into a coma. Now he is on treatment in Switzerland. Unfortunately, without improvements. Expensive treatment, which could not ensure neither the victim’s family nor the state, paid a charity. By the way, abusers of Basil, who was part of a criminal gang, was detained. Now they are in custody,” – said Knyazev.
Also “for six months recovering from gangster bullets a policeman with over 20 years of experience Victor Ignatenko Sum of. Has three children and is professionally engaged in sports. But received during service injured for 6 months put him in a hospital bed. 40-year-old Sergeant received two bullet wounds during detention the malefactor who robbed the ATMs. While fleeing, the gunman shot in the face by the police. The malefactor was detained. The other day surgeons of the hospital of the Ministry of defense removed the bullet from the edges of the militiaman. Victor is now waiting for rehabilitation”.
Recently the Verkhovna Rada adopted the law on payment of one-time cash assistance to a policeman, who was injured on the job.
Police reform – the term rapidly entered the daily life of every Ukrainian, and, unfortunately, often became associated with…
Published by Sergey Knyazev July 15, 2017