Autumn in Ukraine may increase gas prices for population

From 1 October this year in Ukraine could grow by 18.84% the cost of gas for the population.
The relevant draft decision of the NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” transferred to the government, report “Ukrainian news”.
Cost thousands of cubic meters without VAT want to improve on 931 UAH to UAH 5873. That is, with the VAT it will be 7047 7,047 UAH or UAH per cubic meter. The current price (for the period from April 1, 2017 April 1, 2018) for population is UAH 6,9579.
In the draft decision indicated that the new cost will apply to consumers, for which the Cabinet of Ministers is in charge of special obligation (PSO tariffs for the population). And the price of gas to consumers that are not designated speculatively, the company establish on their own.
We will remind, under the new legislation to revise the gas tariffs in Ukraine are now eligible twice a year – April 1 and October 1.
Earlier in the Ministry assured that the price of gas for the population in the coming years will not be increased.