Meat 19 USD and tomatoes for 10: the Ukraine is trading with the occupied Donbass

Trade on the blood of any way to return the Donbass? This question tried to answer the journalists after they got the invoices of the logistic center in the town of Mayorsk, where there is a checkpoint, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Daily KPVV is crossed by hundreds of cars, this is the last controlled Ukraine point on the way to the occupied Horlivka. Every machine needs to check, the guards will check for any weapons or drugs, and fiscal service – not a lot of product driven. From April to the controlled area can take 75 kilos of goods, which is no more than 10 thousand hryvnia – for each person in the car. But uploaded full travellers not in a hurry, because some types of products, in particular bread, in the occupied part of the Donbass can be bought cheaper.
Videos TSN got the documents showing the continued trade of Ukraine with the occupied territories
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:11
More goods could be taken in the logistic center created to trade in the grey area. Goods sold at average prices, but wholesale buyers almost never – mostly take a few pounds. “20-30 pounds take if two or three people come,” says the saleswoman Elena. Buyers explain that it makes no sense to take a lot because ordinary people with a large amount of goods will not pass already the fighters on their checkpoints.
One of the guards on the boundary line runs from the 2014. His face is not showing, but it demonstrates the crew invoices for goods that were taken in the occupied territory logistics center. This is only a small fraction of what is gained in one day: tomatoes in the overhead cost 10 UAH per kilo, and bought by volume of not less than one and a half hundredweight, cucumbers – 7 hryvnia. Among the necessities are Romanian leather shoes. “Shoes – UAH 75 for a pair of shoes, the shoes were leather, acolonel. Well Packed, online price of 150 euros and above,” says the border guard.