“Drink blood” from Poroshenko. Experts rate the chances of the party in the election Savchenko

The Ministry of justice of Ukraine has registered a new political party, the “Public-political platform of Hope Savchenko”.
The leader of political force, which is an independent member of the Verkhovna Rada, said on his page in Facebook that her political force “is not a party, created you for me or under me.” The main goal of his party Savchenko has identified “a change of Ukraine’s political system through constitutional means,” and among software tasks, called the introduction of selectivity of judges, police and prosecutors, as well as the electronic voting system of citizens during the elections.
All less popularity
His party Savchenko registered by active restructuring of the party landscape in Ukraine, in 2016 the Ministry of justice registered a 41 party – and a sharp fall in personal ratings.
A year ago, according to the Kyiv international Institute of sociology (KIIS), Savchenko trust 35% of Ukrainians, while now the figure is about 2%.
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No more than 2% of Ukrainians, according to a recent survey by KIIS and the Fund “Democratic initiatives”, will vote for a new political force Savchenko, who at the time of the survey had not yet been registered.
And this despite the fact that the entrance barrier to the Parliament is 5%. “The project Savchenko was very promising a year ago when she came back. Then she was leader in confidence among public and political figures in Ukraine”, – said the head of the center for political studies “Penta” Volodymyr Fesenko.
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The reason for the sharp falling ratings, the expert believes the inconsistent political position Savchenko. “She’s belligerent patriotism combined with inadequate peacebuilding isn, inadequate in the sense that this line is not perceived its potential supporters,” explains Fesenko, remembering communication Savchenko with the leader “DNR” Alexander Zakharchenko.
Find voter
Who are those 2% who are willing to vote for a new political force, social scientists are not yet ready to say. At the same time they share the view that the new party will try to mobilize critics of the current government and its policies.
“Obviously, this party aims to mercilessly criticize the government, and it will no longer be descendants of the Party of regions, and it will be the “heroine”hero of Ukraine”, – said the Director of Fund “Democratic initiatives” Irina Bekeshkina. Such a position, and Vladimir Fesenko: “Savchenko can take away someone’s potential supporters, but a small percentage, and it will have no significant impact on the situation.”
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She can “drink blood” from President Poroshenko – a tough and outspoken criticism, but it will take away the voice is not his, but rather that of its competitors.” The fact that the “platform” Savchenko were checked in quickly, the evidence that Poroshenko understands this, Fesenko said.
Then as the party of Saakashvili has registered with the scandal: first, the Ministry of justice refused to register the “Movement of new forces,” Saakashvili said, citing the fact that the force with the same name already exists, and then in the same situation and hit “Block Mikheil Saakashvili”.
The slogans and the power of the media resource
Experts are skeptical about the chances of the party Savchenko and given the proposed program.
“I think that Savchenko herself does not understand what he is talking about. At the time she was offered the option of constitutional reform, did not understand what was going on. Most of those provisions were reminded of what (former head of the presidential Administration of Ukraine – Ed.) Medvedchuk suggested before or offering now in Ukraine,” says Oleksiy Haran, Professor, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” and scientific Director of the Foundation “Democratic initiatives”.
We are talking in particular about “soft federalization” of Ukraine. Some declared platform Savchenko requirements are not common in the world, continues Guarani.
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Yes, the principle of electing judges, police and prosecutors are embodied only in the United States.
The promise to introduce an electronic voting system it considers such, that does not take into account the Ukrainian realities. “Can you imagine what it is in our conditions, when Russia intervenes in elections in the States, and not only Russia, but hackers can hack anything? This opens up the scope for fraud and manipulation,” explains the expert. DW interviewed experts agree that transformation of the party Savchenko successful project requires substantial resources – human, financial and media.
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TSN. 16:45
April 13, 18:03
However, in that case, if a new political force will join well-known personalities, and the professional spin doctors will make an effort to increase ratings as Savchenko and her party, to keep the result in terms of the Ukrainian political culture will be very difficult, recalls the General Director of KIIS Vladimir Paniotto.
“The situation with new parties or politicians is that when they gain popularity, media included, and it turns out that the ratings are distributed closer to who have any mediums and how they work, – the expert explains. And so to destroy the credibility of one or another political force is not so difficult. For example, with the same Leshchenko. Given the great competition, in my opinion, Savchenko no chance”.