“Naftogaz” has increased gas prices for industry

From 1 August in Ukraine by 2.8 and 2.9% increase in gas prices for industrial consumers and other economic entities. The minimum cost per thousand cubic meters will increase from 7208,4 7420,8 UAH to UAH, and the maximum – 8008,8 8230,8 UAH to UAH.
The corresponding decision was taken “Naftogaz of Ukraine”.
New the cost of gas will be differentiated depending on the volume of purchases, payment terms and the status of previous calculations of “Naftogaz”.
Previously, “Naftogaz” has promised a decrease in wholesale prices for gas in case of a victory in the Stockholm arbitration case against the Russian “Gazprom” on the gas price, conditions of purchase and transit transportation on the territory of Ukraine.
We will remind, the Cabinet has not increased the tariff for gas for the population and left a present value up to 1 April 2018.