The Odessa refinery was confiscated in favor of the state

The appellate court of Odessa region refused to open appeal proceedings on the complaints of representatives of PJSC “Odessa oil refinery“, LLC “Energy and gas Ukraine” and representatives are directly Sergey Kurchenko.
About this Facebook informs the press Secretary of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Larisa Sargan.
“Thus, 21.07.2017 entered into force the decision of the Suvorovsky district court of Odessa on special confiscation in favor of the state all property of the Odessa refinery and the limited liability company”, – stated in the message.
A court decision in favor of the state confiscated non-production facilities and administrative buildings with a total area of more than 38 thousand square meters and land area of 77 hectares and installing to support the activities of the plant.
Videosu decided on specefication Odessa refinery
TSN. 19:30
June 19, 20:24
Estimated value of the confiscated property is over 200 million dollars, or more than 5 billion UAH.
LFS CONFISCATED IN FAVOR OF THE STATE! Today the Appellate court of Odessa region refused to appeal Prov…
Published by Larisa Sargan on July 21, 2017
On 28 December, the Economic court of Odessa region returned to DFS application for initiation of proceedings on bankruptcy without consideration, as it stated the wrong name of the plant, namely “LUKOIL-Odessa oil refinery”, whereas according to the statement from the Unified state register of legal entities and physical persons-entrepreneurs, as of December 28, 2015, the debtor in this statement is PJSC “Odessa oil refinery”.
In addition, Fiscal service did not submit appropriate proof of payment of court fees.
In June 2015 to recognize the Odessa refinery bankrupt asked the court for an energy supplying company “Odessaoblenergo”.
13 November 2015, the Primorsky district court of Odessa gave permission for the transfer of all immovable property and land of the Odessa refinery. In April 2014, the Pechersky district court of Kiev was seized at the station and transferred to responsible storage to the state represented by the state enterprise “Ukrtransnaftoprodukt”.
The object is the former property of the company of the businessman-the fugitive Serhiy Kurchenko.