The strange disappearance of an intelligence officer: tired of waiting for the wife and I went to look for the truth on Bankova

To return home alive or dead seeks the wife of the Colonel of the national guard of Alexander Boyko. He disappeared in the ATO zone a month and a half ago, and the family really knows anything about his fate, says the story TSN.19:30.
Boyko was the commander of the intelligence service of the 50th regiment of the national guard and participated in the defense of Lugansk airport. In June of this year, third number, reconnaissance Boyko was ambushed near the town of Golden in the Luhansk region. Svetlana knows about the wound of Alexander in feet and hand, but for some reason no one took him from the battlefield – neither living nor dead. “I said, he would not have survived. And I don’t believe it. I’m not accusing anyone, I have no right. But it will claim until the end of life: why not? Why? It does not happen. The first rule of special forces – how many people went on a mission, and the same is returned,” – says Svetlana Boiko.
Videoradio missing scout Alexander Boyko still don’t know, he survived the last battle
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:03
Volunteer Catherine Yakimovich shows pictures of Colonel quickly after the injury – he was off his fighters. They pulled the harness bleeding and left him. Their version: it was dangerous, and the Colonel rather big – under two meters tall. And volunteer highlights: a lot of inconsistencies in photographs, and in the subsequent search operations. “All search teams say there’s nothing there. And they went in the early days, when there was no rain, even when the blood stains might remain. With the separatists contacted, they laughed: we have not seen any DRG in that place, moreover, was not with them in battle,” she said.
What really happened – neither the interior Ministry nor the national guard do not explain. The official version – the search continues, the semi-official Alexander Boyko died, his body was taken away for the fire, and when he returned, the body has been with terrorists that refuse to give it. If this is true, to step up to the negotiators from the state, said the wife of an intelligence officer. And goes to the Bank to the President. There the receptionist recorded the incidents and promised to investigate the situation and provide a response.
The TSN reporter Stanislav Feshchenko