The court has forbidden to charge “daughter” of “Gazprom” 80 million in favor of Ukraine

The court has forbidden to charge RS 80 million of dividends from the company “Gaztranzit”, the Ukrainian subsidiary of the Russian gas monopolist “Gazprom”.
Kyiv economic court of appeal overturned a previous decision on the recovery of funds, which was accepted by Economic court of Kiev. The Minister of justice Pavel Petrenko said that his Department has already filed an appeal against the decision to ban the collection of dividends.
Recall that in January 2016 the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine fined PJSC “Gazprom” to 85,9 billion UAH for abuse of dominant position in the market of transit of natural gas to Ukraine.
Then this decision was confirmed several times by the Ukrainian courts. Once again 22 February the Kyiv appeal commercial court upheld the lower court’s decision to confirm the penalties from “Gazprom” of a fine, which has grown to 171,932 billion due to penalties for its failure to pay.
Later the Economic court of Kiev under the claim of the State Executive service of Ukraine decided to collect 79,877 million hryvnias of dividends “Gaztranzit” (partly owned by Russian Gazprom) in the framework of the enforcement of PJSC “Gazprom” penalty of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.
It was also reported about the arrest of shares of “Gaztranzit”, belonging to “Gazprom”.
Note that the Russian “Gazprom” and “Naftogaz Ukraine” owned by 40,2174% of shares of “Gaztranzit”, 19,5652% of the shares of the Turkish company Turusgas.
Earlier it was reported that the State Executive office have sought with JSC “Gazprom” 79,8 million hryvnia in the budget as part of the fine.