An explosion in a Kyiv high-rise buildings: six apartments impossible to live

29 families have appealed for help after the explosion in the capital’s nine – in goloseyevsky area.

This is stated in the Kyiv city state administration, reports TSN. Ranok.

See also:

An explosion in a house in Kiev: the neighbors say that the deceased predicted his own death

Fifty meters around the nine-storey building surrounded by the tape over her no one is allowed. People can’t collect their things scattered in different directions. The blast was so powerful that the nearby buildings shattered glass.

At the scene, dozens of rescuers and workers, as well as the police: they study the causes. According to preliminary information, exploded gas. At least six apartments to live impossible. Others remain without communications.

67-year-old woman who was in his apartment, died on the spot.

Experts say that the gas supply in the near future will be restored. Meanwhile, the problem with electricity and water in some entrances will decide. While to the house they promise to lift the water. Residents who have nowhere to go, offered places in hostels.

The police opened a criminal case on the fact of violation of norms of fire security.

We will remind, on July 26, in the Goloseevsky district , an explosion occurred in an apartment on the ground floor of apartment buildings. One woman killed, another injured.

Video settings goloseyevsky district of the capital, an explosion occurred in one of the entrances of an apartment house

TSN. 19:30

Yesterday, 19:49

