People from the occupied territories of the Luhansk region are afraid of the plague in Ukraine

In Luhansk people from the occupied areas of mass transfer the boundary line to buy on the Ukrainian side products and to obtain pensions. The day of the checkpoint in Stanitsa Luganskaya go 5-10 thousand people, according to a story TSN.19:30.
In the light of the day there is no shooting, but after closing KPVV fighters begin to fire at positions of the Ukrainian army. The parties share approximately 300 meters of the territory. “This position is hard, because the closest most of her shell. But used to work here, know where they’re shooting,” admits the soldier, Vadim. “It helps that they are across the river and about is not very suitable. They fired at or over the bridge, or more distant position,” explained his brother Alexander.
Videotitle the occupied territories during a lull leave EN masse for food to the peaceful place
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 19:55
This crossing is used mainly by the inhabitants of the occupied Lugansk, but often come to inhabitants of the most secret lands. Go for the best and cheap Ukrainian goods. “We’ve got much more expensive, they are the same in Russia. Although our revenues to two thousand rubles”, – said one of the women venerable age.
The saleswoman from the local market Tatiana says that buyers from the occupied territories take in the main Essentials. “Sugar, butter our Ukrainian take. And fat, the flesh can not – Carpentry does not allow. Well it’s said we have the plague, just do not understand what this plague is, where it came from,” laughs the woman.