Omeljan commented about the exorbitant premiums of the head of “Ukravtodor” Novak

The Minister of infrastructure Vladimir Omelian information about sky-high bonuses acting Chairman of the State Agency for automobile roads “Ukravtodor” Slawomir Nowak.

The official said in the air of “112 Ukraine”.

“We better: to have a thief, or to have a normal specialist? Definitely normal specialist. And the market wage is one of the protectors to ensure that people thought about work, not about some left-wing income. We see that in the case of Balkonem high salary didn’t work. Now there are investigations, I hope they will be completed high-profile court cases,” said Omeljan.

He noted that the Ministry followed by raise, because it has no other necessary arrangements.

“The Ministry of infrastructure from the very beginning took the initiative in market salaries of heads of the largest enterprises of Ukraine. In the case of “Ukravtodor” this is a public service. We have no way to install market mechanisms, so we went by overhead. I believe and deeply convinced that Mr. Novak is absolutely quality people in office. A former Minister of infrastructure with vast experience in the political and in the real sector. He gets quite a low salary, when compared with the amount of responsibility he has,” explained Omeljan.

He called incorrect commenting them the exact amount that is now paid Novak.

“I can confirm that his salary is higher than the heads of the state agencies. It was a political decision taken by the Cabinet and it was one of his conditions of employment in Ukraine”, – summed the Minister.

See also:

The first days in “Ukravtodor” I went with round eyes – Novak

We will remind, yesterday, Facebook published a paper of the press service of the Ministry of infrastructure, which refers to the allowances Novak. According to the document, the official received a bonus for work intensity of 300% of salary, a bonus for performing particularly important work – even 300% of salary and bonus – plus 300% of salary.

“The head of Ukravtodor raised the salary by 900%,” wrote I neutral journalistic title, while thinking: “what the BL……

Posted by Sergei Malininym 9 Aug 2017

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