In the hypermarket where the mouse has eaten sushi, the problems with rodents do not recognize

Sushi with a live mouse. New “recipe” from one of the capital’s hypermarkets. There in the cooking Department rodent crawled just a refrigerator with Japanese dishes. Video posted on the Internet buyers who witnessed, says TSN.16.45.

This picture caught Mr. Yuri with his wife when the day before I drove to the store shopping.

“From their conversation I understood that was disinfected but still the mouse is,”– says Mr. Yuri conversation with a store Manager.

After the hype buyers, says, rolls the staff immediately removed.

Video settings supermarket buyer captured the mouse


Today, 11:04

The place where the rodent was caught on a hot, empty today. Workers mouse incident is not discussed. No problems with rodents before journalists do not recognize. Video mouse dinner, meanwhile, are considering buyers. Among them are fearless.

Request TSN hypermarket is left unanswered. In Kiev this is not the first controversial visit of the animals to the store. Last week in one of the stores the cat pooped right in the tray with the sugar. Then four-footed and caught it sheltered one of the employees. Rodents were not so lucky. In the hypermarket assured the mouse that ruined their reputation, is no longer among the living.

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