Klimkin has urged Poland to solve the issue with the image of Lviv in the passports of “good neighbourliness”

The Ukrainian side calls on Poland to decide “in a spirit of good neighbourliness” issue with images in the new passports of the Polish war graveson the territory of Lychakiv cemetery in Lviv.
The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said his Polish counterpart Witold Wasikowska, said the press service of the foreign Ministry.
See also:
Poland’s foreign Ministry accuses Russia of provoking the conflict in the Donbas
Klimkin and Waszczykowski met in the framework of the meeting of the “Visegrad group” and the “Eastern partnership” in Budapest on 31 August.
The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine noted the contradictory ideas image from Lviv to new Polish passports and stressed the need to address this issue in the spirit of good neighbourliness.
Paasilinna BEZPEKA . kluczowym zavdannyam for the region Shane Vropy. On this nagolovu Chapter soundnote vdoms…
Posted Minsterstvo zakordonnih sprav Ukrainy / MFA of Ukraine 31 August 2017 R.
Recall that in 2018, the 100th anniversary of the independence of Poland will issue a passport in a new design. In its pages will appear and the image from Lviv – a Polish military memorial Eaglets.
The Ministry of internal Affairs of Poland notes that in the pages of the document will be important for the history of the country image of historical figures, motifs, and places. This writes Wyborcza.pl. In General, the passport will be 26 graphic images. Half of them have been approved. Among them is the memorial of Eaglets in Lviv. Still half of the images needs to elect the poles during the online voting.
Note that the Memorial Eaglets are buried the members of the fighting against the Western-Ukrainian national Republic (1918-1919) against the Bolsheviks (1920). The complex is located on the territory of Lychakiv cemetery.
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