Ukraine lacks not only the anthracite, and coal of the gas group for its substitution – Nasalik

Ukraine since the beginning of the year is experiencing a shortage of coal anthracite group – because he was suspended deliveries from the occupied Donbass. However, Ukraine lacks coal and gas group to replace them anthracite.
On this day, September 6, during a government meeting said the Minister of energy and coal industry Igor Nasalik, UNIAN reports.
“We have completely changed the structure of the fuel compared to the previous year and the use of anthracite in the us decreased by 3.5 million tons. The following year, the change will be an additional 3 million tons. But this difference we need to supply coal group. I must say that today we feel the lack of coal gas group which is extracted on the territory of Ukraine”, – stated Nasalik.
See also:
In Ukraine, more expensive coal from state mines
Over the past four years, during the war in the Donbass, in the development of the mines have not invested any funds.
“The Ministry has developed a reform plan for the coal industry and the action plan for its implementation. The implementation of the action plan on coal mines give the possibility to provide the gas group of coal this season, and in season 2018-2019 years”, – said Nasalik.
We will remind, the shortage of anthracite coal from the occupied Donbass affects the operation of power plants, which are forced to reduce production capacity. For the stable operation of the power system before scarce anthracite imported from South Africa and imported from uncontrollable Ukraine territories. Particularly acute question of supply of coal for thermal generation after the beginning of the blockade of supplies of coal production from the area ATO at the end of January 2017.
See also:
Nasalik said the refusal of Ukraine from the deficit of anthracite coal
In late July, one of the largest power generating companies “Centrenergo” has concluded with the American company XСoal Energy & Resources supply contract to end this year 700 thousand tons of scarce coal of anthracitic group. At the end of August XСoal Energy & Resources sent to Ukraine the first shipment of anthracite coal with a volume of 85 tonnes. The vessel should arrive in a few days.
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