Wet vandals. In Kiev, once the fountain water became a bright green color

In the Park on Sagaidachnogo Podol in Kiev, the water in the fountain became a bright green color. “Vandalism or creatism in the Park on Sahaidachny. Someone joked, adding works to public utilities for the whole day. Now we need to drain the water (which is at least until the end of the day), then wash the bowl of the fountain, and re-run the fountain. We will remind that last week in the fountain filled detergent, and so there was […]

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The NBU said the banking system has recovered and can resume active lending

The banking system of Ukraine is already capitalized, liquid, and therefore can actively resume their traditional function of lending to the economy and population. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Kateryna Rozhkova, UNIAN reports. “Today, we have a fully transparent ownership structure of the banking system. And this means that every consumer can deliberately choose a school for cooperation,” – said Rozhkov. Banks passed the diagnostic examination of asset quality and now execute plans […]

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For poor quality or not provided utility services to the residents, have returned 4.5 million hryvnia

The Kiev government has returned to the Kiev 4, 5 million UAH for substandard utility services. This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”. The money was received by the inhabitants of almost half a million Metropolitan apartments who complained about the lack of irrigation in the yard, neuborne stairwells, and poor maintenance of elevators. Compensation paid utilities management companies that provide services on maintenance of houses and adjoining areas. It is reported by the KSCA. To compensate […]

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In Ukraine want to reduce the width of lanes on roads

In the Ukrainian cities can lose weight road. In Minregionstroy consider the draft state building code. In it the width of the lanes in the cities propose to reduce to three meters, and the main roads up to three and a half meters. However, in settlements where there is a speed limit of 60 kilometers per hour, can narrow stripe of up to 3 meters 25 centimeters. This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”. To reduce the […]

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In “DNR” rumored to be on the list for evacuation in case of occurrence of APU

In Yasinovataya among local fighters and civilians vigorously spread rumors that the command of the “DNR” forms lists for evacuation” in case of occurrence of the APU. It is reported by the coordinator of group “Information resistance” Dmitry Tymchuk. See also: “Linguistic nationalism”: “DNR” consider dangerous online courses of the Ukrainian language “According to rumors, these lists will include only the command structure of militants and members of “the administration of the DNR”, which will be evacuated to Russia. Such […]

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