Klimkin has warned of the danger of stay of Ukrainians in Belarus

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin urged Ukrainians to be more cautious while traveling to Belarus after that country’s territory , the Russian special services kidnapped 19-year-old Paul Mushroom.
The Minister said in an interview with “UKRINFORM”.
Videoroliki the court ruled against the detainee Ukrainian Pavel Mushroom
TSN. Pdsmi day
Yesterday, 01:07
“After Paul Mushroom disappeared from the territory of Belarus, we need to talk about the danger of stay of the Ukrainian citizens not only in the Russian territory. I want to warn the Ukrainian citizens about danger of stay in the Russian territory, where all the Russian intelligence services have consistently acted against our citizens. I encourage everyone who rides on Russian territory, to think very hard whether to go there,” said Klimkin.
The Minister added that after the disappearance of the Fungus, it became clear that Russian special services also operate on the territory of Belarus. “I believe that Ukrainian citizens have to weigh how to go there,” said the Minister.
See also:
Russia has arrested a 19-year-old Ukrainian Mushroom until 17 October
We will remind, in the Belarusian Gomel disappeared Ukrainian citizen Pavel Mushroom: according to the parents, he was detained by the FSB. In Belarus he left on August 24 to meet up with a girl who lives in Russia, whom he met through the Internet. 17-year-old resident of the city of Sochi in an interview with TSN admittedthat actually invited a guy to Belarus. Forced her to do it the FSB of Russia, because she is also under investigation.
The police of the city of Gomel father reported that his son was wanted for terrorist activities. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine tried to find outwhat happened to the guy. at the same time, Belarusian border guards claim that Paul had no complaints.
On 7 September it became known that the Fungus is in jail in the Russian city of Krasnodar.