Old rags Homutynnik and baby soap Bakhteyeva: members comment on your appearance after the holidays

Ukrainian MPs comment on the appearance of each other after a long vacation and recognized how to maintain the beauty. Men go to sports, women are regularly visiting cosmetologists, according to a story TSN.19:30.
“My colleagues said stouter. Now need to go to the gym, sit-UPS,” smiles Maxim Bourbaki. At the same time his wife, according to the Deputy, his weight is not too worried about it. “21 years of marriage. Wife accepts me as I am,” he says.
Videopolice and their appearance: how did the deputies for the holidays
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 21:01
2-pound weights, abdominal and push-UPS – this is the secret figure Hanna hopko. She admits that she is a former supermodel Cindy Crawford’s “Secrets of an ideal figure” and it is possible to lose 4 pounds. “But I need to lose another ten kilos” – voiced by the purpose of the MP. And adds that uses little makeup. “My husband loves me just for natural beauty. And when I applied makeup says: you are so beautiful, why do you add”, she explained.
See also:
From Barcelona to Tibet: where the rest of Ukrainian deputies in the summer
MP Oleksiy Skrypnyk on vacation lost his beard. On the question of what happened, explained that it’s nothing. “It’s a change of image – I decided to look younger”, he said. No change at all is not noticed Vitaly Homutynnik. “No change absolutely. All the old rags,” – said the Deputy. And shahs to the question about the Botox and the facelift was scared: “I do not know these words – do not swear! I’m the guy from the village”.