AMC suspects largest network of filling stations in collusion, which increased fuel prices

In September at the Ukrainian gas stations prices gasoline grade A-95 rose by more than 5%.
It is stated by the Antimonopoly Committee, which conducted a monitoring of the markets of light oil products.
“Retail prices for gasoline A-95 in networks that operate under the brand WOG, OKKO, SOCAR, over the past two weeks rose by 1.5 UAH for 1 liter of fuel and as of September 26, 2017 amount 27,99 UAH/l. Specified the price level is the highest on the market”, – stated in the AMC.
Similar situation – and on the retail market diesel fuel.
“This situation could not remain outside the purview of the Committee, because the timing of the increase in retail prices of light petroleum products in September 2017 may indicate the presence in the actions of market participants of anticompetitive concerted actions. To determine the compliance of actions of market participants with the legislation on protection of economic competition the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine conducted a study in which directed requests for information”, – noted in AMKU.
Requests sent to the State fiscal service, Ministry of economic development, Ministry of network of filling stations where retail prices are highest.
“In case of identification in the markets of gasoline and diesel fuel are signs of violation of legislation on protection of economic competition the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine will take appropriate measures”,- assured in the AMC.
And while officials doing paperwork, at the gas station prices continue to rise. Today, the A-95 gasoline rose another polgrivny.