Increase pensions retroactively and to new requirements for experience. The basic nuances of pension reform
The main social reform of autumn – pension – collected 288 votes. This reform is expected, according to the government, 9 million pensioners. Because it involves increasing payments from 1 October.
This is stated in the story of Alexander the Country in the program TSN.19:30.
In the session hall of the Verkhovna Rada somewhere at 14:30 there was a smell of burning. Pulled somewhere from the bottom of the ranks, where sits the “Opposition bloc”. It looks like burned wire insulation. To panic is not reached, but the evacuation from a hall has begun. But firemen came and saved them all.
Obviously, technique is not simply withstand such incredible loads. The deputies were working enthusiastically and incessantly. After taking not of the large amount of law – the so-called judicial reform immediately undertook pension reform. More than 2 thousand amendments were considered in half a day. In the evening in the audience were nearly all deputies, came Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman and personally asked to vote for this bill. Moreover, he reminded all MPs how to vote, what button to push – well, that really no one is confused.
“From that month will be set a fair pension system, eliminated uravnilovka and taxation of pensions. We will do everything to pensions has been systematically growing, but it becomes possible when there is your support. So I am asking each MP to cast your vote, press the green button and make it a historic decision in the name of Ukrainian citizens” – called Groisman.
Video of the month will be set a fair pension system, – Volodymyr Groysman
TSN. 19:30
Today, 20:20
I didn’t vote “Fatherland” Opposition bloc” and “Samopomich”. But voters still have enough. And the joy of the officials knew no bounds.
The law of combining volumes, it will be a long time to learn. Definitely known that the pension will increase starting this month. But will be growing need of insurance annually.
The minimum pension grows – 1312 1452 UAH to UAH (for those who have a full experience).
Cancelled the 15% reduction in pensions for working pensioners.
Changing the insurance period for retirement age. Today he is 15 years old. Next, it will be 25 years. And after 2028 – 35.
The reform gives the opportunity to buy two additional years of insurance experience. Year of service will cost about 16,8 thousand UAH for two years – 25,3 thousand UAH.
Also retroactively, from October 1, some pensioners will asurement pension, that is will add 600-1000 UAH.
Videojournalist TSN figured out which opportunities will provide the Ukrainians the pension reform
TSN. 19:30
Today, 20:27