“Trade Commodity” published calculations of fuel prices on the tender MO

The April tender of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine for the supply of 70 thousand tons of oil products, in which “trade Commodity” has won 14 lots, almost immediately became a target for many pseudo-experts, according to the company.
“At the stage of signing contracts with customers, appeared in the media blogs and columns the individual authors, accusing our company inflated fuel prices. No real reason for them such statements had not, and therefore remained without reaction from our side.
The expert that claims to objectivity in the field of fuel market, and especially in matters of pricing, as a minimum, must be able to rely on quotations Platts (a leading global provider of information on energy markets, petrochemicals, and metals, and the most authoritative source of settlement quotes on the physical and futures markets). Since they formed the basis for the revision of fuel prices under our contracts with the defense Ministry.
The opinions of pseudo-experts are not able to analyze the global market trends, fortunately, can not affect the calculations of the objective market prices of fuel,” the company explained, and added that the reason for the investigation to NAB last year’s fuel tender of the Ministry of defense promulgated consider individual incompetent persons, false data.
In “trade Commodity” noted that in court proceedings in the case of NABOO against the defense Ministry, they are ready with facts to prove the validity of their decision on revision of prices for fuel contracts to the level of average.
“We are ready to provide all the calculations NABOO. If desired, the Bureau investigators can access the quotations of Platts. This will allow them to personally verify the legality of decisions.
For example (in the table below pricing for tender – ed.), at the time of the auction for the purchase of summer diesel fuel (19.04), the average price of Platts in us dollars per ton was 370,25 UE. At the stage of signing the contract (and 13.05 18.05) price Platts has grown to 415,75 443,75 UE and UE. On the basis of this “trade Commodity” initiated the appeal to the MO regarding the possible revision of procurement prices. While negotiations continued (06.06) price Platts amounted to more than 440 $ per ton DP. At the time of signing an additional agreement with the Ministry of defence (10.06) quotes reached 447,75 Euro per ton. Thus, from the day of the auction, the price of diesel increased by 77.5 dollars (about 16.5% on tone).
In the future, these changes in market value of fuel within the capabilities guaranteed by the Ukrainian legislation are reflected in the final price of the supply”, – explained in the company.
In “trade Commodity” stressed that similarly, the objectivity and legitimacy of their actions can be seen, analyzing contracts for the purchase of army Arctic diesel fuel, jet fuel and gasoline A-80 and A-92.
“We urge everyone competent (!) market experts provided by us to verify the quotations Platts and analyze the validity of the cost contact April MO, “added the company.