The Radical party spoke about the status of the Chairman after the explosion

MP from the Radical party Igor Mosiychuk after the explosion on the street Mickiewicz is to the hospital, “Boris”.
About this in Facebook said his fellow party member Andrei Lozovoy.
According to him, Mosiychuk injuries of moderate severity. But his assistant, a security guard was seriously injured and doctors are fighting for his life.
vybachte not stigao Ficino Vdovin on zvonki/notification. less then s Tim, thank you everyone knows, what does hto telefonu I Pisz, petauke,…
Posted Andrm Lozovik 25 Zhovtnya 2017 R.
Lozowy added that the attackers drove to the entrance to the Studio of the TV channel “espresso” “left” the car and blew it up when he came out.
Another a radical Deputy Dmitry Linko wrote that the injured Deputy suffered serious injuries, he’s in surgery now.
Swing on Igor Mosiychuk. Pedrali car. Yogo to Venuti likarnyu s paramannam. Upd: pedrali auto bilya exit the z channel, in…
Posted by Dmitry Lncom 25 Zhovtnya 2017 R.
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