In Kiev without heating remained at home 234

In the Kiev district heating remains 234 houses.
About it reports “Kyivenergo”.
The company, at the disposal of the KSCA, connects the capital of the house to heat. During the deployment of district heating was identified 396 accidental damage to heating systems, today, 82 of them are in work.
According to the report, during the day “Kyivenergo” liquidated 96 of faults on the Metropolitan networks and identified 46 new.
“The quality of heat supply depends on the condition of the networks. Note, 70% of the network of Kiev, have already exceeded their 25-year service life and require replacement”, – noted in the company.
See also:
Winter is coming: who is at risk to remain without heating during the cold weather
Recall that in the Kiev region about a thousand schoolchildren did not go to school because million debt for heating. The school №3 of the city of Yahotyn, Kyiv region, the children missed the lessons, that was not heating.
Parents of schoolchildren told TSN.ia after the holidays are over, children in school and did not go. At school to be impossible, because a very low temperature, and the heating just yet. Any other information to the parents about when school will resume there.
Videocracy freeze in anticipation of the heating
Snidanok 1+1
October 24, 10:44
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