In Kiev at the hem, the driver of VAZ has arranged a drunken race with the patrol

In Kiev at the hem happened drunken race.
This informs operational in Kiev Facebook.
Drunken race on the hem: the Driver of car #VAZ, B. of. #AA3855KA a traffic violation, and it ran a prohibitory sign. Police filed an audible and visual signal to stop, but the driver did not think to stop. Speed 100 on the wet asphalt, which borders the tramway track, on the back of the drive without any additional electronic systems, and even the narrow streets hem… this Whole “performance” was interrupted by two units of the patrol police that pulled the car of the offender to the sidelines. The driver at first did not want to get out of the car, said “I NCO this is not done,” but then blew the #Drager by 2.03 ppm. It just so happened that stopped the offender at the local pub. The noise of the signals started to go screwy visitors to the pub. Of course, without the advice and phrases of type “well, that is drunk” or “nozawa prchina of ostanovki” has not done.
Kiev published Operational 26 November 2017
The driver of VAZ has violated traffic rules and ran a prohibitory sign. Police filed an audible and visual signal to stop, but the driver did not think to stop.
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“Speed for 100 on the wet asphalt, which borders the tramway track, on the back of the drive without any additional electronic systems, and even the narrow streets hem… this Whole “performance” was interrupted by two units of the patrol police that pulled the car of the offender to the curb”, – stated in the message.
The driver at first did not want to get out of the car, saying, “nothing was done”. But then the performance of Dragor stopped on the figure of 2.03 ppm.
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TSN. Wounds
16 Aug, 09:17
We will remind, earlier in Zaporozhye military KrAZ with two contractors under unknown circumstances at full speed took off on a roadside and turned over. As a result of accident one serviceman died and another was hospitalized with serious injuries.
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