In the Donbass more heavy machinery of the Russian Federation than are in service in the UK – MIA

The Minister of internal Affairs Arsen Avakov said that in the Donbass now is the operational group of Russian forces, which were transferred to Donbass is the amount of military equipment, as the weapons of the major countries of Europe.
About it reports a press-service of the interior Ministry.
See also:
Zhebrivskyi said there are three main places of deployment of Russian military in the Donbass
“Under the guise of paramilitary LC/DNI is the operational group of Russian occupation forces, which includes the first and second Russian army corps. The total number of the first and second Russian army corps – 35, 5 thousand tanks – 478, vehicles – 848, systems of volley fire up to 208 shells to 750, anti-tank weapons 3478 tanks and 800 APCS is more than are in service in the UK”, – said Avakov.
He also added that the Ukrainian military is not just facing the Russian threat, but also ensure the security of Europe.
“When we talk about balance, about the Minsk process and that Ukraine should go first to make concessions. We must put this argument to each of the current politicians and say, do not be a hypocrite. We face the threat that’s in front of our borders. Keep the security of Europe. That’s where we should start the conversation when we talk about security,” – said the Minister.
We will remind, earlier the chief military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios said that the Donbass is now as much Russian forces equal to the forces of almost all European countries-members of NATO. Matios also listed the weapons that are now used in the occupied territories, and called her number: “Tanks – 650, armoured combat vehicles – 1310 PCs, artillery of various calibers (including velykosillia forbidden by the Minsk agreements) – nearly 500 guns, rocket systems of volley fire – nearly 260 units, anti-aircraft missile complexes up to 100 units,” – said he, stressing that all these weapons are Russian.
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