Lutsenko said that the agents of NABOO “illegal group” and declared them illegal

Agents of the National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine outside the law.
This was stated on air of TSN.Week the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko.
“The problem is not just provocation. The problem lies elsewhere. When we began to observe the young man, who went first to the Deposit guarantee Fund to offer 50 thousand dollars, then the national Bank to offer 50 thousand dollars, and then to other departments. Then we realized that this man is constantly offering bribes and provokes. We looked where he goes. We saw that he goes to the apartment, where the same civilians. We didn’t know whose apartment is. Only after two weeks realized that there comes one of the leaders of NABOO. Methods of provoking, from my point of view, are illegal, but immoral. To offer alcohol, to propose to be drawn into certain patterns of drug use are absolutely unacceptable. Then I discovered an even bigger disaster. The so-called agents of NABOO recruited in violation of the law. The law requires all employees to recruit for open competition. However, dozens of agents, including those two, which were recorded at the safe house elected in closed procedures, which is contrary to the law,” – said the head of the GPU.
In his opinion, the NABU work with “illegal agents”. “They use illegal methods of provocation. None of them admitted to the state secret. But they are listening to the materials of the SBU, which is a criminal offense. They themselves use in Ukraine of unregistered listening technique that is smuggled. Obtained from the materials they use in their work. It’s a huge bunch of illegal groups, which acts illegal methods illegal equipment. Now I understand the entire problem NABOO. The whole apparatus of the agents is outside the law”, – said Yuri Lutsenko.
November 29 it became known about detention of the agent of NABOO by the SBU, which had received permission from the GPO. We are talking about the transfer of 15 thousand dollars Dina Emahool, first Deputy Chairman of the State migration service. The SMS said that “for several months, agent of NABU, the son of former people’s Deputy from Party of regions Yury Boyarsky, executing illegal instructions of individual heads of NABOO, repeatedly tried to provoke Dean Pimanova, offering large bribes for acceptance of illegal decisions on legalization in Ukraine citizens of Vietnam and Iran, which did not even exist in reality.”
To NAB the actions of the SBU and the GPU is called “diversion”. According to the report, the essence of “sabotage” is that officials of the SBU, allegedly using information that became known to them in the course of execution of official duties (implementation of listening of telephone numbers within the framework of investigations of NABOO) “not just disclose this information to one of the objects of secret investigative actions, undoing six-month detectives NABOO, but was recruited this person for further illegal pressure and criminal prosecution of employees of the National Bureau”.
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