After the scandal with Lutsenko NABOO has canceled a trip to the United States – journalist

Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko has not appeared at the opening of the Global forum on asset recovery in Washington. About this Facebook said the journalist “Radio Freedom” Natalya Sedletskaya.
In Washington turned real passion surrounding the cancelled visit of Yury Lutsenko in the United States. Right now in the capital…
Posted by Natalie Sedletska on Monday, December 4, 2017
According to her, the Forum focused on four countries, including Ukraine. Three States were represented by attorneys General and Ministers of justice. However, neither Lutsenko, the performance of which was stated in the program, or his Deputy at the event did not appear. The Forum also invited the Director of NABU Artem Sytnik and head of SAP Nazar Gorodnitskogo. However, at the opening of the Ukraine was represented by Ambassador to the United States Valeriy Chaly.
Videocharge confrontation. Lutsenko said agents NABOO “illegal group”
TSN. 12:00
4 Dec, 12:31
We will remind, on November 29 it became known about detention of the agent of NABOO by the SBU, which had received permission from the GPO. We are talking about the transfer of 15 thousand dollars Dina Emahool, first Deputy Chairman of the State migration service. The SMS said that “for several months, agent of NABU, the son of former people’s Deputy from Party of regions Yury Boyarsky, executing illegal instructions of individual heads of NABOO, repeatedly tried to provoke Dean Pimanova, offering large bribes for acceptance of illegal decisions on legalization in Ukraine citizens of Vietnam and Iran, which did not even exist in reality.”
To NAB the actions of the SBU and the GPU is called “diversion”. According to the report, the essence of “sabotage” is that officials of the SBU, allegedly using information that became known to them in the course of execution of official duties (implementation of listening of telephone numbers under investigation NABS), “not just disclose this information to one of the objects of secret investigative actions, undoing six-month detectives NABOO, but was recruited this person for further illegal pressure and criminal prosecution of employees of the National Bureau”.
Washington called these actions an attempt “to undermine an independent anti-corruption institutions”, which the United States and other countries provided support.
Videopiracy-provocation: the Ukraine has stirred up a loud conflict between the NABOO and the GPU
TSN. Week
3 Dec, 21:58
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