Experts have predicted the growth in prices for eggs

Before the end of this year, chicken eggs will rise in price by 10-15% – to UAH 26 per dozen on the average in Ukraine.
Such predictions from the scientists of the Institute of agrarian economy.
Sharp jump of the prices for this kind of production is explained by the fact that the cost of grain, which is the basis of the diet of the bird feeding depends on the dollar. In addition, the domestic egg producers primarily sell their products in foreign markets, where Ukrainian eggs are in high demand and only the surplus of products sold on the domestic market. This was said senior researcher of the Department of pricing and agricultural market of the National scientific center “Institute of agrarian economy” Svitlana Pashko.
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On prices is also affected by the seasonal factor – in the autumn and winter, hens lay fewer eggs.
“Prices reach their highest peak during the autumn-winter period, when the reduced production in households and industrial poultry farms, realizing the products at inflated prices, to cover the losses of the previous months”, – explained the specialists.
This year the lowest wholesale price for eggs was in July – 10, 35 UAH per dozen. In the following months she began to grow and was in August of 11.57 UAH per dozen in September – 15,04 UAH, in October – 19, 73 UAH. That is, since July, the wholesale price for eggs increased by 90.6 percent.
Retail price of eggs of the first category increased from 13.27 UAH per dozen in July, to 22.91 UAH per dozen in October (+72,6%). Retail price of eggs of the second category in October was 19,99 UAH per dozen against of 10.58 UAH, an increase of 88.9%.
Meanwhile in Ukraine sell the fat for 330 UAH per kilogram.
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