“From bullying gets pleasure”: TSN gathered evidence of the Kiev, whose son terrorizes the whole school

The court began consideration of the situation around the Kiev school student, because of the aggressive behavior which schoolmates ceased to attend lessons. The boy’s father is accused of improper performance of their duties, according to a story TSN.19:30.
His son Arthur were forcibly removed from families, so the novel immediately asks the court to close the case because, they say, has already received administrative punishment. “I don’t understand why he kidnapped Arthur,” said the man who came to the meeting without lawyers. Arthur complained to classmates and teachers, and of the Novel itself TSN complained to the paramedic that had crossed the boy’s father. “Be very careful, this man is very dangerous. From bullying have fun. Just a sadist. Behaves with doctors without witnesses, just as the son of teachers!”, – she explained.
Videosu began proceedings against the father, whose son terrorized the whole school
TSN. 19:30
1 Dec, 20:26
About the family know that the mother of Arthur, died two years ago. Her sister to talk about the Novel not wanted, but in written form explain why. “I always wrote. Was in tutorial and Solomenskiy district, and Desnianskyi, I politely sent. Roma while I was in the Desnyansky court. Opened two criminal proceedings, but the police do not want Roma to contact. Everywhere I turned, but the law’s aunt – no one,” she wrote in a text message. After beating Svetlana three weeks was in the hospital, and her lawyer had to be a protector of law. “He left hand sharply hit her in the face, she hit her head on the wall. He smashed her head, blood went. He began to rush to my parents, and I was forced to get a gun,” – said the lawyer.
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Then the court considered the property of the matter: the family of Svetlana Roman wants to sue an apartment that belonged to the mother of Arthur with whom he was not married. By law, housing inherits the son of Arthur and the parents of the deceased. But the novel considers this apartment his own while living with his mother. “Witnesses can say anything. Arthur on Saturday and Sunday always at home. We don’t live with my mum, we are visiting my mom,” he assures. The neighbors are nothing unusual for the family did not notice, but teachers say that even when mom was alive – family violence have flourished. However, no one to talk about it openly did not want out of fear of revenge on the part of the Novel. To tell their impressions agreed by phone only and subject to change voices beyond recognition. “Kicking, cuffs gave, scared: the house talk! The kid was running away from it,” says one of the teachers.
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Now Arthur is in a rehab center, to communicate with them psychologists do not allow. And acknowledge that with them the child does not really communicate because the phone father strictly forbade. “He doesn’t know, he explained exactly what mom will be no more. He believes that the mother left the sky, and it is temporary. For Arthur is seen that the family a lot of some aggressive moments. He has not learned to cope, he did not help in the adults. Hurts inside would hurt another”, – explained the Director of the rehabilitation center Julia Feschenko. According to her, the boy will need long months of psychological therapy. At the same time, my father is convinced that the son will live with him.
The TSN reporter Nellie Kowalski
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