How Ukraine will live in 2018. Announced an updated bill on the state budget

On the website of the Verkhovna Rada made public the revised draft law “On state budget of Ukraine to 2018”, which the MPs plan to consider in the second reading on Thursday, December 7.
The revenues of the state budget – 913 billion 613 million 702,5 thousand UAH.
Costs – 988 billion 334,5 million 634 thousand UAH.
Returning loans to the state budget of 7 billion 332 million 772,3 thousand UAH.
Loans from the state budget 14 billion 520,3 million 161 thousand UAH.
The maximum volume of deficit of the state budget of 81 billion 849 million 380 thousand UAH.
Maximum volume of public debt on 31 December 2018 1 trillion 999 billion 347 million 176,8 thousand UAH, the maximum amount of government guaranteed debt – 747 billion 551 million 11.7 thousand UAH.
Subsistence minimum on one person counting on the month: 1 January – 1700 UAH, from 1 July – 1777 UAH, from December 1 – UAH 1853. For children under 6 years: 1 January – 1492 UAH, from 1 July 1559 UAH, from December 1 – UAH 1626. For children aged 6 to 18 years: from January 1 – 1860 UAH, from 1 July 1944 UAH, from December 1 – UAH 2027. For able-bodied persons: from January 1, 1762 UAH, from 1 July 1841 UAH, from December 1 – UAH 1921. For persons who lost working capacity: from 1 January – 1373 UAH, from July 1 – 1435 UAH, from December 1 – UAH 1497.
Minimum wage from January 1: month – on-size- 3723 UAH in the hourly rate – 22,41 UAH.
The national Bank shall transfer to the state budget of 49 billion 549 million UAH profit.
We will remind, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko proposes to increase the minimum wage to 4.1 thousand UAH.
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