How Ukraine will live in the next three years. The government updated economic forecasts

Next week the Verkhovna Rada may adopt the state budget of Ukraine for the year 2018. Today, the government presented its updated economic indicators and identified priorities. Also, the government has updated the economic projections to 2020.
In particular, predicts GDP growth of 3% next year to 4% in 2020. Inflation will, however, each year it will decrease. By the end of 2017, is expected to grow by 11.2 per cent (earlier promised that it will be less than 10%), and by the end of 2020 – 5%. Also promise the reduction of unemployment in the country.
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The Ukrainian government has approved the introduction of a unified system of maintenance budgets
“The document is based on the real indicators of economic development. We need to stop giving “gifts” in the form of budget, which was passed under the tree. We should create a quality public policy and to make decisions that will help to develop the economy. And I want to assure you that the revenue part of the budget is based on economic growth. She is not due to the pressure (especially tax), but at the expense of development of economy”, – assured the Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman.
He recalled that for the first time in the budget to lay new mechanisms targeted assistance and lending to the real sector, first of all, enterprises Agrosphere, mechanisms of support of science and innovation, including startups. Also for the first time are funds for large-scale reform of primary schools and primary health care.
The main indicators of the state budget of Ukraine and economic forecasts
GDP growth
11.2% of
Budget revenues
974 billion UAH
1 trillion 155 billion UAH
50.7 billion dollars
55.7 billion dollars
9.1% of
8.5% of
The increase in real wages
9.6% of
The priorities of the state budget-2018:
The defense of Ukraine – 165.3 billion UAH. For the purchase of housing for military personnel – 857,6 million, the new apartments will be 1.3 thousand servicemen of the Armed forces of Ukraine.
The new roads. For repairs of roads and construction of new direct 46, 7 billion UAH. Plan to build 50 new bridges and upgrade of 4 thousand km of roads. The list of new roads – Kyiv – Chernivtsi, Kharkiv – Sumy, “Go Highway” (Lviv – Odessa – Nikolaev – Kherson), Kiev – Kharkov – Dovzhansky, the Dnieper – Reshetylivka.
On energy efficiency would send 2 billion UAH: “warm credits” – 400 million UAH, the energy efficiency Fund – UAH 1.6 billion, more than 120 thousand families receive state aid for warming dwellings.
The agricultural sector. On the development of the industry will allocate 7.3 billion UAH. Of these, 1 billion UAH – on program to reduce the cost of domestic agricultural machinery, more than 1 billion UAH on the development of farms, 4 billion UAH on the development of livestock.
On decentralization, will receive 12.9 billion UAH. Of them at the State regional development Fund – 6 billion UAH, in support of the consolidated territorial communities – UAH 1.9 billion. Plan to implement more than two thousand new regional infrastructure projects.
For quality education will provide of 219.1 billion. Of these, 1 billion UAH – for the modernization of elementary schools. More than 406 thousand teachers salaries will increase by 25%.
Science of 8.2 billion UAH. Of them 7.7 billion UAH – on fundamental and applied research.
On health will be directed to 115.2 billion. For the program “Affordable medicine” – 1 billion UAH. Expect to be over 15 million concessional prescriptions under the program “Affordable medicine”.
Social protection – 126.8 billion UAH. Of them for housing subsidies – 64,3 billion UAH, the payment of low-income families – UAH 59.9 billion.
On culture will guide 5.1 billion UAH. In the state budget has provided 330,5 million UAH for the construction of the Museum “memorial to victims of Holodomor”. 1 billion – to development of Russian cinema.
The main indicators of the state budget of Ukraine for the year 2018 from tsnua
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