“Ukraine is losing its soul to corruption.” The reaction of the world to the conflict of the GPU and NABOO

The conflict between the General Prosecutor’s office and the National anti-corruption Bureau have reached the international level. While the war between the agencies continues in the world see it as the deterioration of the image of Ukraine.
First, the U.S. state Department spoke out in defense of NABOO and later the EU delegation asked the public Prosecutor not to touch the fighters.
On the background of the conflict the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko demands from the Verkhovna Rada to remove from the agenda old bill “On anti-corruption courts,” as recommended by the Venice Commission and to clear space for a new project.
“Tomorrow is a month since I appealed to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with a proposal to accelerate the development of a Higher anti-corruption court. It was the desire to create the most favorable conditions for the enactment of the law. His project at the stage of writing needs to be agreed between the various political forces. My offer still stands. However, if prior to the beginning of next week I will see progress within seven to ten days prepare and submit the relevant draft law”, – wrote Poroshenko.
Yesterday, 6 December, the parliamentary Committee on preventing and combating corruption voted for the liberation of the people’s Deputy Yegor Sobolev the Chairman of the Committee. Supported the proposal of the 12 deputies from the faction “Block of Petro Poroshenko”, “Revival”, “Opposition bloc”. Two abstained. Today, 7 December, the Verkhovna Rada voted for the removal of the people’s Deputy Yegor Sobolev as the head of the Committee on preventing and combating corruption. “For” voted 256 people’s deputies, against 72, abstentions – 12, did not vote at all 38 people’s deputies.
Briefly about the conflict
On 29 November, the press service of SCSU reported that the SBU detained agent of NABOO during the attempted transfer of a bribe of the first Deputy Chairman of the state migration service of the Dina Emahool. The same day in NABOO was raided.
30 November, the NAB said that the Prosecutor General’s office and the security Service interfered in its operation, and the detective NAB did not offer a bribe to an official of the Migration service. Approval of NABOO, SBU turned the suspect to criminal prosecution of employees anti-corruption Bureau.
Pimanova denies that demanded a bribe of 30 thousand for the legalization of foreigners.
Later, the Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko at the briefing said that the staff of the NABOO had no right to offer a bribe to the Deputy Chairman of GMS and agents of the Bureau, contrary to the law, they did not pass the competition, but have access to secret documents.
National anti-corruption Bureau insists on the presence of evidence of corruption of the first Deputy Chairman of the State migration service of the Dina Emahool.
Videopublic scandal between the NABOO and the GPU
December 5, 11:04
TSN.ia collected the reaction of the world, politicians and international organizations to the events in Kiev.
The U.S. Department of state
The Ministry has condemned the failure of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine of the special operation, National anti-corruption Bureau. This is stated in the statement published on the website of the US state Department.
“Recent events, including the failure of the investigation into corruption at a high level, the arrest of the officers of the National anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and retrieve sensitive documents NABOO, cause concern for Ukraine’s commitment to the fight against corruption”, – said in a statement.
In the United States regarded these actions as part of efforts to undermine an independent anti-corruption institutions, which provided assistance to USA and other countries.
“They undermine public confidence and undermine international support of Ukraine”, – noted in the state Department.
“For Ukraine it is unwise to fight for your body in the Donbass, if it loses its soul to corruption. Institutions in the fight against corruption must be protected, supported and funded,” said U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson.
The United States also urged all branches of the Ukrainian government to work together to eradicate corruption from public life. In the state Department was podrazumijevani that eliminating corruption is key to achieving stability, security and prosperity for all Ukrainians.
The state Department also stressed that the United States has helped the NEB to open 333 criminal proceedings, to make 207 reports of suspected and 108 allegations of corruption in Ukraine.
“Law enforcement professionals from the United States entered the National anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) to promote capacity-building in the fight against corruption and asset recovery, and strengthen General anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine. U.S. support contributed to the opening 333 of the criminal cases, 207 reports of suspicions and the end 108 of the charges in cases of corruption. The current program will continue to build on these achievements”, – stated in the message.
It is also noted that external assistance of States as a whole brought Ukraine $ 1.3 billion, and also contributed to reimbursement of those losses in the country that was inflicted by the previous government, namely the return of stolen 3.24 billion dollars.
Video settings the United States responded to the conflict of NABOO and the GPU in Ukraine
TSN. 19:30
5 Dec, 20:16
The world Bank
According to the head of the world Bank Jim Yong Kim during a meeting in Washington with the Director of NABU Artem Sytnik , Ukrainian anti-corruption bodies already have achievements in exposing corruption and fighting it, but because they need support to further implementation of anti-corruption reforms in Ukraine.
The parties discussed the pressure exerted on NABOO, investigations, exposing the top of corruption and the prospects for creating an anti-corruption court in Ukraine.
During a recent visit to Ukraine by Jim Yong Kim noted that the establishment of an anti-corruption court in Ukraine is critically important for further growth of the Ukrainian economy. Also this is one of the conditions for further cooperation with the IMF.
The international monetary Fund
The IMF is deeply concerned about the events around the anti-corruption bodies in Ukraine and urged to expedite the establishment of an anti-corruption court, said in a statement the Director of the Fund Christine Lagarde.
“We are deeply concerned about recent developments in Ukraine, which could accelerate the progress made in the creation of independent institutions to fight corruption at high level, including the National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine and Special anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office. The fight against corruption is a key requirement of the Ukrainian society is crucial to ensure a stronger and more equitable growth and is part of the government’s commitments under the IMF program”, – said in a statement the IMF.
Christine Lagarde urged the Ukrainian authorities and the Parliament to ensure the independence of the NEB, and SAP.
“We also urge the government to move quickly to legislation with the aim of operationalizing an independent anti-corruption court in accordance with the recommendations of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, which are necessary for a fair decision of cases of corruption at the highest level”, – said the Fund.
Videoscopic on the right of Parliament to dismiss the head of the NABU was removed from the agenda
TSN. 12:00
7 Dec, 12:35
Former adviser to former Vice-President of the USA Joe Biden Michael carpenter
If the Verkhovna Rada will vote for the dismissal of the head of the National anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine Artem Sytnik and Chairman anti-corruption Committee of Parliament, Yegor Sobolev, this may result in the termination of support of Ukraine from the USA.
About it , said Michael carpenter, a foreign policy adviser to ex-Vice-the U.S. President Joe Biden and former Deputy assistant defense Secretary on Ukraine and Eurasian Affairs in the Obama administration, now Director of the analytical Center Biden at the University of Pennsylvania.
“If the Parliament will vote for the dismissal of the head of the Anticorruption Committee and the head of NABOO, I will recommend to cut all the assistance from the U.S. government for Ukraine, including security policy. It’s a shame,” wrote carpenter in Twiiter.
The head of delegation of European Union to Ukraine Hugues Mingarelli
The European Union is concerned about the possibility of the resignation of Yegor Sobolev as head of the anti-corruption Committee of the Verkhovna Rada and the Ukrainian Parliament warns from his release.
“We are concerned that the majority of the members of the Committee on combating corruption decided to recommend to the Board the dismissal of the head of the Committee, Mr. Sobolev. I would like to encourage the Council to think carefully before such recommendation will be voted in plenary meeting, taking into account the international concern about current events in the fight against corruption in Ukraine”, – he said.
Videobrass has criticized Ukraine for the conflict with NABU
TSN. Wounds
6 Dec, 09:59
Hugues Mingarelli noted that in recent years anti-corruption Committee of the Council headed by Sobolev “made a very important and amazing work to assist in the creation of new bodies to combat corruption.” The Committee also helped to ensure that Ukraine the conditions for the implementation of the action plan on visa liberalization, the fight against corruption, according to the EU.
“Every citizen of Ukraine and the friends of Ukraine can be proud of these achievements,” – said the diplomat.
Mingarelli warned against any derogation in the anti-corruption reforms, and urged to protect the new institutions such as NABOO.
“They must be given the space and resources to work to demonstrate results in the struggle with corrupt officials. An important role is played by the Council and anti-corruption Committee,” he said.
The head of the EU delegation to Ukraine has warned that attempts to undermine the fight against corruption will be a setback to the reform process in Ukraine and will not go unnoticed.
The external diplomatic service of the EU
The statement said that the GPU interferes with the NEB to effectively do their work and undermines people’s faith in the possibility of corruption.
“Public disclosure of a corruption investigation by the General Prosecutor significantly weakens the capacity of the National anti-corruption Bureau to conduct an effective investigation, and also undermines people’s faith in the possibility of effective counteraction of corruption”, – said in a statement.
In the EU, noted that the effectiveness of fighting corruption depends on the success of all other reforms in Ukraine. Brussels calls on Kyiv to strengthen their efforts in order to ensure the independence of, the operating capacity and the efficiency of anti-corruption institutions.”
The Federal Bureau of investigation USA
In a statement, the FBI published in the Voice of America, says that his staff is working with NABU in the range defined by the Memorandum, signed in June 2016.
“The FBI adheres to the laws of Ukraine and never works beyond a certain Memorandum of understanding”, – noted in the Department.
According to the statement, the FBI are working with the NAB on a temporary, rotating basis to support the relationship between the parties and are not field agents.
“Any suggestion to the contrary is false,” notes the us Bureau of.
Videofemale Bureau of investigation, the United States commented on its cooperation with NABU
TSN. Wounds
7 Dec, 10:00
The FBI explains that his employees are working with partners in law enforcement agencies worldwide and are helping to investigate crimes of corruption when they seek help.
“We value our relationship with NABU and SAP and believe that their staff are professionals and trustworthy. NABU and SAP are young organizations that are faced with big challenges in the work they are doing for Ukraine. The FBI will continue to provide NABU and SAP support and assistance they need in their important work for the people of Ukraine”, – the document says.
FBI recalls that the Memorandum of understanding between the FBI and NABU was adopted in June 2016. This document allows you to provide the FBI NABS and Special anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office (SAP) assistance in the field investigations.
The Ministry of foreign Affairs of great Britain
British authorities have expressed concern about the intervention of the GPU in the work of the NAB, reports “UKRINFORM”. The Ministry believes that puts at risk the future of an independent anti-corruption investigations.
Videomir criticized the attack on fighters in Ukraine
TSN. 12:00
7 Dec, 12:34
“In the UK are increasingly concerned about the bombing of the fight against corruption in Ukraine. Corruption is the main threat to stability and national security of Ukraine and Ukrainians identify as a major problem in the country. Fighting corruption is crucial for the European choice of Ukraine and its aspirations to become a modern, economically successful and democratic state”, – said in a statement.
The Minister noted that the UK had invested considerable resources in the creation of NABOO, which “is an extremely important part of the anti-corruption mechanism in Ukraine”. However, the British Ministry added that the Bureau has made significant progress in its work.
U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch
U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch in an interview LIGA.net said that appreciated the work of investigators of the National anti-corruption Bureau NABS and prosecutors SAP.
“We are proud to have supported the creation of these anti-corruption bodies and continue to help them. A couple of days ago I met with some of the NAB investigators and prosecutors SAP, and talked with these brave men and women, many of whom, working in NABOO and SAP, has left other positions and work to get what they consider to be their calling: to help Ukraine become a democratic, transparent country that meets European standards. and can not capture the sense of calling and mission, which will manifest itself in conversations with these people, ” she said.
Videoecological NABU told the details of the conflict with the SBU and the GPU
TSN. 19:30
1 Dec, 20:14
Jovanovic noted that NABU and SAP have already made significant results in their work, but more than a hundred cases that they investigate, are inhibited at the level of the courts.
“This shows the need to establish an independent anti-corruption court,” she said.
Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Roman Vashchuk
The Ambassador said that the pressure on the independence of anti-corruption bodies, including the NEB, will have consequences for economic support of Ukraine. About this he wrote on his page on Twitter.
According to him, the independence of the NAB – the “cornerstone” of the activities of this body.
“I don’t support. What independence was and is the cornerstone of NABU (linked to this is, of course, a big responsibility, supported by professional audit.) And pulling cornerstone has implications for the structure of international economic support for Ukraine”, – wrote Vashchuk.
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